Kevin and Kell Wiki

Frank Mangle is a lion. He is a single parent with a daughter, Leona. (It is unknown whether he is widowed, divorced, or never married.) To provide for himself and his daughter, he abandoned the traditional gender roles of his species and became a professional hunter, working for Herd Thinners. Once a professional rival of Kell Dewclaw, he was appointed by her as chief operating officer with start-up competitor Dewclaw's Fine Meats

Leona, is a student at Caliban Academy and a member of its hunting team. She has a boyfriend, Edgar, also a lion. She always had a crush on him, but they fell in love after she learned he was trying to learn to hunt. Edgar was actually learning to hunt to win back his ex-girlfriend, Rhonda, a tigress who dumped him because he wanted her to hunt for him and ended up marrying somebody else. When he attracted Leona, he abandoned his pursuit of Rhonda.
